Lindsay CochraneStructured Literacy Classroom Teacher

Toronto, Ontario
Phone: (416) 705-7279
Lindsay CochraneStructured Literacy Classroom Teacher
Provider Bio
Lindsay began teaching for the Toronto District School Board in 2009 immediately after completing her Bachelor of Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) of the University of Toronto. Over the following years, she taught Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 French Immersion homeroom. Highlights include piloting Full-Day French Immersion for the Toronto District School Board from 2010-2012. In 2018, she accepted a position as Methods and Resource Teacher (MART) and completed her Special Education Additional Qualification course. She is LETRS Certified as of March 2023. Lindsay is currently the Director of I Can Read in French/Je sais lire en français Inc, where she provides professional development and programming for French Immersion schools, as well as private tutoring in structured literacy.