Kate RosenStructured Literacy/Dyslexia Specialist

Golden, CO

Phone: (323) 793-3926

Email: katebloomer@gmail.com

Kate RosenStructured Literacy/Dyslexia Specialist

Provider Bio

Hello! I have been working with readers of all ages and abilities since 1996, and have always taught using multisensory methods. I especially enjoy using handwriting as a very direct way to link sounds and symbols, and I also integrate color, movement, and humor into all my sessions. I'm specifically trained in offering effective, highly interactive TELEtherapy, which means that "remote learning" isn't a second choice for me - but is in fact my preferred way of working. I'm proudly affiliated with the Lexercise online platform, which offers a fully integrated system of live one-on-one instruction, daily deliberate practice with hand-picked, fully customized video games, and even additional targeted practice that can be done with parents, caregivers, or in other educational settings.

Provider Details

  • Accepting New Clients
  • Online Tutorial Service Offered